Photo courtesy of Francesco S on Flickr I thought recently how useful it would be to be able to search a blog to find posts that interest me and apart from the blog archive in the sidebar I didn't know how I could do this. Then I noticed the search box gadget on Blogger. Is this new? I've only just noticed it but knowing my powers of observation it's probably been there for quite a while! So I added it. And was a bit underwhelmed to be honest. It's a search box that works's grey and just a bit boring. It didn't fit in with my blog either. I like tweaking my blog and enjoy customizing things to make it look a bit more interesting and colourful. So the grey search box didn't stay for long. No, I added a customized version. You can see it up there. It's quite nice isn't it? I think so anyway and it fits in with the rest of my blog. Here's the code for it courtesy of Tweak Peak . It's fairly simple to do...
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